Prof. Michela Balconi, Ph.D.
Complete list of peer-reviewed articles on indexed journals per year
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U. Potenziali evocati corticali, N400 ed elaborazione di patterns visivi complessi. Analisi dei processi di codifica e riconoscimento di informazioni semantiche, «Ricerche di Psicologia», 2, 35-58.
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U. ERPs, semantic attribution and facial expression of emotion, «Consciousness and Emotion», 2, 63-80
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U. Face-selective processing and the effect of pleasant and unpleasant emotional expression on ERP correlate, «International Journal of Psychophysiology», 49, 67-74 [IF2.378].
Balconi, M., Different cognitive cortical modules for semantic and syntactic information, «Journal of the International Neuropsychology Society», 9 (supp), 188-190 [IF2.910].
Balconi, M., Conscious and unconscious in emotional face procesing, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 9(supp), 304-305 [IF2.910].
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U., N400 and P600 or the role of the ERP correlates in sentence comprehension: Some applications to the Italian language, «Journal of General Psychology», 3, 268-304 [IF 0.96]
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U., Elaborazione di anomalie semantiche e sintattiche con stimolazione visiva e uditiva. Un’analisi mediante correlati ERPs, «Giornale Italiano di Psicologia», 3, 585-612.
Balconi , M., Lucchiari, C. Neuropsychology (ERP correlates) of emotional facial expression decoding. supraliminal/subliminal stimulation effect «International Journal of Psychophysiology», 54, 137-138 [IF2.378].
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U. Morphed facial expressions elicited N400 ERP effect: A cerebral domain-specific semantic module, «International Journal of Psychophysiology», 54, 148-149 [IF2.378].
Balconi, M., Antonietti, A., Fabio, R.A., Fruizione multimediale, processi attentivi, e rendimento scolastico, «Rassegna di Psicologia», 3, 107-135.
Balconi, M., An ERP study on facial expression of emotion: Comparison of linguistic and visual semantic decoding, «Perceptual and Motor Skills», 100, 129-134 [IF 0.58]
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U., Comprehending semantic and grammatical violations in Italian. N400 and P600 comparison with visual and auditory stimuli, «Journal of Psycholinguistic Research», 34, 71-98 [IF 0.509]
Balconi, Consciousness and emotional facial expressions decoding. Subliminal and supraliminal stimulation effect on ERPs, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 11, supp2, 23 [IF2.910].
Balconi, Encoding and retrieval of emotional facial expressions in two different tasks. An ERP analysis, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 11, supp2, 19 [IF2.910].
Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C., Event-related potentials related to normal and morphed emotional faces, «The Journal of Psychology. Interdisciplinary and Applied», 2, 176-192 [IF 0.69]
Balconi, Decoding dell’ espressione facciale delle emozioni, arousal e valenza edonica. Analisi mediante potenziali evocati corticali (ERPs), «Ricerche di Psicologia», 2, 7-34.
Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C., Morphed facial expressions elicited a N400 ERP effect. A domain-specific semantic module?, «Scandinavian Journal of Psychology», 46, 467-474 [IF 1.078]
Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C., In the face of emotions: event-related potentials in supraliminal and subliminal facial expression recognition, «Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs», 131, 41-69 [IF 0.69].
Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C., EEG correlates (event-related desynchronization) of emotional face elaboration: a temporal analysis, «Neuroscience Letters», 1-2, 118-123 [IF 2.255]
Balconi, M., Carrera, A., Lessicalizzazione e concettualizzazione delle espressioni facciali delle emozioni. un confronto tra patterns mimici e script emotivi, «Età Evolutiva», 83, 18-31.
Balconi, M., Exploring consciousness in emotional face decoding: An event-related potential analysis, «Genetic, Social, and General Psychology Monographs», 131, 41-69 [IF 0.69].
Lucchiari, C., Balconi, M. Decoding of emotional faces in different consciousness conditions: An ERP study, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 12, supp2, 88 [910].
Balconi, S. Tutino, An ERP analysis of iconic language and iconic thinking. The case of metaphor, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 12, supp2, 88 [IF2.910].
Balconi, A Comparative analysis between event-related oscillations and event-related potentials in emotional face recognition, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 12, supp2, 9 [IF2.910].
Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C., Indici psicofisiologici (potenziali corticali evento-correlati) nel decoding dell’espressione facciale delle emozioni. Effetto della stimolazione sovraliminale e subliminale, «Giornale Italiano di Psicologia», 4 721-754.
Balconi, M., Carrera, A. Emotional representation in facial expression and script: a comparison between normal and autistic children, «Research in Developmental Disabilities», 28, 409-422 [IF 3.201]
Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C., Encoding of emotional facial expressions in direct and incidental tasks: Two event-related potential studies, «Australian Journal of Psychology», 59, 13-23 [IF 0.644]
Balconi, M., Carrera, A. Integrazione intersensoriale visivo-uditiva per pattern emotivi. Uno studio psicofisiologico, «Ricerche di Psicologia», 2, 85-110.
Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C., Consciousness and emotional facial expression recognition. Subliminal/supraliminal stimulation effect on N200 and P300 ERPs, «Journal of Psychophysiology», 2, 100-108 [IF 2.488]
Balconi, M., Carrera, A., Cross-modal perception (face and voice) in emotions. ERPs and behavioural measures, «Neuropsychological Trends», 1, aprile, 43-65.
Balconi, M., Tutino, S., The iconic representation of metaphor. An event-related potential (ERPs) analysis of figurative language, «Neuropsychological Trends», 2, novembre, 41-63.
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U., Event-related oscillations (EROs) and event-related potentials (ERPs) comparison in facial expression recognition, «Journal of Neuropsychology» 1, 283-294 [IF 2.364]
Balconi, Tutino, S., A fighter is a lion. Neuropsychological and cognitive processes in decoding a metaphor. An analysis through ERPs, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 12(Supp), 74 [IF2.910].
Balconi, , Carrera, A. Cross-modal (voice and face) perception of emotion. ERPs and behavioral analyses, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 13, supp2, 13 [IF2.910].
Balconi , M., Tutino, S., Un avvocato è uno squalo: La rappresentazione iconica nella comprensione di metafore “frozen”, «Psychofenia», 3, 26-41.
Antonietti, A, Balconi, M., Business ed emozioni: ecco la neuroeconomy, «Vita e Pensiero», gennaio, 34-41.
Balconi, , Amenta, S., Understanding irony: An ERP analysis on the elaboration of acoustic ironic statements, «Neuropsychological Trends», 3, aprile, 7-28.
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U., Event-related oscillations (ERO) and event-related potentials (ERPs) in emotional face recognition. A regression analysis, «International Journal of Neuroscience», 118, 1412-1424 [IF 0.98]
Balconi, M., Amenta, S., Isn’t ironic? An analysis of the elaboration of ironic sentences with ERPs, «The Open Applied Linguistics Journal»1, 9-17.
Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C., Consciousness and arousal effects on emotional face processing as revealed by brain oscillations. A gamma band analysis, «International Journal of Psychophysiology», 67, 41-46 [IF 2.378].
Balconi, M. Mazza, G., Consciousness and emotion. ERP modulation and attentive vs. pre-attentive elaboration of emotional facial expressions by backward masking, «Motivation and Emotion», 33, 113-124 [IF 1.014]
Balconi, M., Mazza, G., Lateralizzazione corticale nella comprensione di pattern mimici emotivi. Un confronto tra modulazione della banda EEG alfa e i sistemi comportamentali BIS/BAS, «Giornale di Psicologia», 3, 125-140.
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U., Arousal effect on emotional face comprehension. Frequency band changes in different time intervals, «Physiology and Behavior», 97, 455-462 [IF 2.891]
Balconi, M., Falbo, L., Brambilla, E., BIS/BAS responses to emotional cues: Self-report, autonomic measure and alpha band modulation, «Personality and Individual Differences», 47, 858-863 [IF 1.820]
Balconi, M. Brambilla, E., Falbo, L., BIS/BAS, cortical oscillations and coherence in response to emotional cues, «Brain Research Bulletin», 80, 151-157 [IF 2.498]
Balconi, Mazza, G. Laterality, EEG alpha band power and Behavioural Inhibition (BIS) and Activation (BAS) Systems in emotional face comprehension, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 15 (S2), p. 24, [IF2.910]
Balconi, , Santucci, E. The role of dorsal stream for motor imagery process. An ERP analysis, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 15 (Suppl S2), p. 40 [IF2.910]
Balconi, , Amenta, S. Pragmatic and semantic information interplay in ironic meaning computation: evidence from “pragmatic-semantic” P600 effect, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 15 (Suppl S2), 86 [IF2.910].
Balconi, M. Brambilla, E., Falbo, L., Appetitive vs. defensive responses to emotional cues. Autonomic measures and brain oscillation modulation, «Brain Research», 1296, 72-84 [IF 2.623]
Balconi, , Crivelli, D., Observing, Imitating and Executing: An Electrophysiological Investigation of Acting and Inter-acting Processes, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 15 (Suppl S2), 41 [IF2.910].
Balconi, , Brambilla, E., Neuropsychological and Cognitive Correlates in Tourette Syndrome. The Inhibitory Process Hypothesis, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 15 (Suppl S2), 41 [IF2.910].
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Spatial and temporal cognition for the sense of agency: neuropsychological evidences «Cognitive Processing», 10 (Suppl 2), S182-S184 [031].
Balconi, M., Santucci, E. The multicomponential nature of movement-related cortical potentials: functional generators and psychological factors, «Neuropsychological Trends», 5, aprile, 59-84.
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Trends in social neuroscience: from biological motion to joint actions, «Neuropsychological Trends», 6, novembre, 71-93.
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Spatial and temporal cognition for the sense of agency: neuropsychological evidences, «Cognitive Processing», 10 (Suppl 2), S148-148 [031].
Balconi, M., Mazza, G., Brain oscillations and BIS/BAS (behavioral inhibition/activation system) effects on processing masked emotional cues. ERS/ERD and coherence measures of alpha band, «International Journal of Psychophysiology», 74, 158-165 [IF 2.378].
Balconi, M., Santucci, E., Action simulation and spatial representation: an ERP analysis applied to a motor imagery task, «Cognitive Processing», 10 (Suppl 2), S148-149 [IF1.031]
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., FRN and P300 ERP effect modulation in response to feedback sensitivity: The contribution of punishment-reward system (BIS/BAS) and Behaviour Identification of action, «Neuroscience Research», 66, 162-172 [IF 2.096].
Amenta, S., Balconi, Comprehension of irony in social situations: new evidences from P200 and “pragmatic-semantic” P600 ERP effects, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 16 (Suppl S2), 74 [IF2.910].
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Mismatching action-feedback relationship and sense of agency: the contribution of behavior inhibition/activation systems (BIS/BAS), of behavior identification of actions (BIF) and ERPs modulation (FRN and P3b), «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 16 (Suppl S2), 33 [910].
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., Self-report measures, facial response, and personality differences (BEES) in cooperative vs. non cooperative situations: contribution of the autonomic system to the sense of empathy, «Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society», 16 (Suppl S2),. 33 [910].
Balconi M., Crivelli, D. Bortolotti, A., Detection of facial expression of emotion and self-report measures in empathic situations are influenced by ACC inhibition: rTMS evidences, «Neuropsychological Trends», 8, novembre, 95-99.
Balconi M., Ferrari, C., Amenta, S., Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex involvement in recognition memory. A rTMS study on stress-related words, «Neuropsychological Trends», 8, novembre, 100-103.
Balconi, M., Mazza, G., Lateralisation effect in comprehension of emotional facial expression: A comparison between EEG alpha band power and behavioural inhibition (BIS) and activation (BAS) systems, «Laterality», 15, 361-384 [IF 1.384].
Balconi, M, Crivelli, D., Veridical and false feedback sensitivity and punishment-reward system (BIS/BAS).ERP amplitude and theta frequency band analysis, «Clinical Neurophysiology», 121, 1502-1510. [IF 3.298].
Antonietti, A., Balconi, M., Analogical reasoning: an incremental or insightful process? What cognitive and cortical evidences suggest, «Cognitive Neuroscience», 1, 137-138.
Balconi, M., Amenta, S., “A fighter is a lion”. Neuropsychological indexes in comprehending frozen metaphors, «Journal of Pragmatics», 42, 3246-3257 [IF 1.192]
Balconi, M., Trezzi, V., Choice and preference. Neuropsychological, autonomic and cognitive measures in response to supraliminal/subliminal stimulation and emotional masking effect, «Psychofenia», 22, 109-145.
Balconi, M., Aprassia degli arti, semantica dell’azione e brain-computer interface, «Il fisioterapista», 17, 31-38.
Balconi, , Frontal brain oscillation modulation in facial emotion comprehension. The role of reward and inhibitory systems in subliminal and supraliminal processing, «The Journal of Cognitive Psychology», 23, 723-735 [IF 1.241].
Balconi, M., Carrera, A., Cross-modal integration of emotional face and voice in congruous and incongruous pairs: the P2 ERP effect, «The Journal of Cognitive Psychology», 23, 132-139 [IF 1.241].
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., Gonzaga, L., Emotional face recognition, EMG response, and medial prefrontal activity in empathic behavior, «Neuroscience Research», 71, 251-259 [IF 2.096].
Ferrari, C. Balconi, M., DLPFC implication in memory processing of affective information. A look on anxiety trait contribution, «Neuropsychological Trends», 9, aprile, 53-70.
Balconi, M., State of consciousness and ERP (event-related potential) measures. Diagnostic and prognostic value of electrophysiology for disorders of consciousness, «Neuropsychological Trends», 10, novembre, 43-54.
Balconi, M., Caldiroli, C., Semantic violation effect on object-related action comprehension. N400-like event-related potentials for unusual and incorrect use, «Neuroscience», 197, 191-199 [IF 3.215].
Balconi, M., Neuropsychology of the sense of agency: theoretical and empirical contributions, «Brain Research Journal», 3(1), 17-36.
Balconi, M. Amenta, S., Ferrari, C., Emotional decoding in facial expression, scripts and videos: A comparison between normal, autistic and Asperger children, «Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders», 6, 193-203 [IF 1.586].
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., Resonance mechanism in empathic behavior. BEES, BIS/BAS and psychophysiological contribution, «Physiology & Behavior», 105, 298-304 [IF 2.891].
Balconi, M., Scioli, S., Error monitoring functions in response to an external feedback when an explicit judgement is required: ERP modulation and cortical source localisation, «International Journal of Psychophysiology», 83, 295-301 [IF 2.378].
Balconi, M., Ferrari, C., Subliminal and supraliminal processing of facial expression of emotions: brain oscillation in the left/right frontal area. «Brain Sciences» 2, 85-100.
Balconi, M., Neuropsychology of facial expressions. The role of consciousness in processing emotional faces. «Neuropsychological Trends», 11, aprile, 19-40.
Balconi, M., Falbo, L., Conte, A.V., BIS and BAS correlates with psychophysiological and cortical response systems during aversive and appetitive emotional stimuli processing, «Motivation and Emotion», 36, 218-231 [IF 1.014].
Balconi, M., Vitaloni, S., The tDCS effect on alpha brain oscillation for correct vs. incorrect object use. The contribution of the left DLPFC. «Neuroscience Letters», 517, 25-29 [IF 2.055].
Balconi, M., Pozzoli, U., Encoding of emotional facial expressions in direct and incidental tasks: an event-related potentials N200 effect. «Journal of Neurotherapy», 16, 92-109.
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., Detection of the facial expression of emotion and self-report measures in empathic situations are influenced by sensorimotor circuit inhibition by low-frequency rTMS, «Brain Stimulation», 5, 330-336 [IF 4.964].
Campanella, S., Falbo, L., Rossignol, M., Grynberg, D., Balconi, M., Verbanck, P., Maurage, P., Sex differences on emotional processing are modulated by subclinical levels of alexithymia and depression: a preliminary assessment using event-related potentials, «Psychiatry Research», 197, 145-153 [IF 2.803].
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., Empathy in cooperative versus non-cooperative situations: the contribution of self-report measures and autonomic responses. «Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback», 37, 161-169 [IF 1.346].
Balconi, M., Ferrari, C., rTMS stimulation on left DLPFC increases the correct recognition of memories for emotional target and distractor words. «Cognitive, Affective, & Behavioral Neuroscience», 12, 589-598 [IF 3.512].
Balconi, M., Ferrari, C., Emotional memory retrieval. rTMS stimulation on left DLPFC increases the positive memories, «Brain Imaging and Behavior», 6, 454-461 [IF 0.859].
Crivelli, D., Balconi, M., Uno sguardo vale più di mille parole: percepire gli altri e se stessi come agenti, «In-Mind Italia», 2, 1-5.
Balconi, M., Sozzi, M., Ferrari, C., Pisani, L., Mariani, C., Eye movements and bisection behavior in spatial neglect syndrome: representational biases induced by the segment length and spatial dislocation of the stimulus, «Cognitive Processing», 13, S89-S92 [I.F. 1.030].
Sozzi, M., Balconi, M, Arangio, R., Pisani, L., Mariani, C., Top-down strategy in rehabilitation of spatial neglect: how about age effect? «Cognitive Processing», 13 (Suppl 1), S339-S342 [I.F. 1.030].
Balconi, M., Ferrari, C., rTMS stimulation on left DLPFC affects emotional cue retrieval as a function of anxiety level and gender, «Depression and Anxiety», 29, 976-982 [I.F. 3.065].
Bosio, A.C., Graffigna, G., Balconi, M., The multiple interviewing paths of qualitative health research: what opportunities for neurosciences? «Neuropsychological Trends», 12, novembre, 73-76.
Sozzi, M., Balconi, M., Neuropsychological evaluation of visuo-spatial neglect. Is there a relation between quantitative and qualitative methods? «Neuropsychological Trends», 12, novembre, 77-85.
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., Emotional face recognition, empathic trait (BEES), and cortical contribution in response to positive and negative cues. The effect of rTMS on dorsal medial prefrontal cortex, «Cognitive Neurodynamics», 7, 13-21 [I.F. 1.629].
Balconi, M., Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, working memory and episodic memory processes: insight through transcranial magnetic stimulation techniques, «Neuroscience Bulletin», 29, 381-389 [I.F. 1.311].
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y., Prosocial attitudes and empathic behavior in emotional positive versus negative situations. Brain response (ERPs) and source localization (LORETA) analysis. «Cognitive Processing», 14, 63-72 [I.F. 1.567].
Balconi, M., Amenta, S., Sozzi, M., Cannatà, A.P., Pisani, L., Eye movement and online bisection task in unilateral patients with neglect: A new look to the ‘gradient effect’. «Brain Injury», 27, 310-317 [I.F. 1.360].
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y., High-frequency rTMS improves facial mimicry and detection responses in an empathic emotional task. «Neuroscience», 236, 12-20 [I.F. 3.458].
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y., Emotional contagion and trait empathy in prosocial behavior in young people: The contribution of autonomic (facial feedback) and Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale (BEES) measures. «Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology», 35(1), 41-48 [I.F. 2.133].
Sozzi, M. Balconi, M., Pisani, L., Mariani, C., Bisection and visual exploration strategy in hemineglect: eye-movement measures for rehabilitation treatment. «Neuropsychological Trends», 13, aprile, 59-81.
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., Conscious and unconscious face recognition is improved by high-frequency rTMS on pre-motor cortex, «Consciousness and Cognition», 22, 771-778 [I.F. 2.882].
Balconi, M., Ferrari, C., Repeated transcranial magnetic stimulation on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex improves performance in emotional memory retrieval as a function of level of anxiety and stimulus valence, «Psychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences», 67, 210-218 [I.F. 1.559].
Balconi, M., Inhibition of monitoring mechanisms in response to erroneous or veridical feedback. “Virtual lesion” induction by an rTMS study. «Neurorehabilitation», 32, 823-831 [I.F. 1.635].
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., Crivelli, D., Self-report measures, facial feedback, and personality differences (BEES) in cooperative vs. noncooperative situations: contribution of the mimic system to the sense of empathy. «International Journal of Psychology», 631-640 [IF 1.067].
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., The “simulation” of the facial expression of emotions in case of short and long stimulus duration. The effect of pre-motor cortex inhibition by rTMS. «Brain and Cognition», 83, 114-120 [IF 3.495].
Balconi, M., Arangio, R., Guarnerio, C., Disorders of consciousness and N400 ERP measures in response to a semantic task, «The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience», 25, 237-243 [IF 2.397].
Balconi, M., Ferrari, C., Left DLPFC rTMS stimulation reduced the anxiety bias effect or how to restore the positive memory processing in high-anxiety subjects. «Psychiatry Research», 209, 554-559 [I.F. 2.768].
Balconi, M., Vitaloni, S., N400 effect when a semantic anomaly is detected in action representation. A source localization analysis. «Journal of Clinical Neurophysiology»,31(1), 58-64 [IF 1.447].
Balconi, M., Bortolotti, A., Self-report, personality and autonomic system modulation in response to empathic conflictual versus non conflictual situation. «Cognition and Emotion», 28(1), 153-162 [IF 2.083].
Balconi, M., Vitaloni, S., Dorsolateral PFC and the representation of the incorrect use of an object: the transcranial Direct Current Stimulation effect on N400 for visual and linguistic stimuli. «Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience», 26(2), 305-318 [I.F. 4.493].
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y., High-frequency rTMS on DLPFC increases prosocial attitude in case of decision to support people. «Social Neuroscience», 9(1), 82-93 [I.F. 2.785].
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y., Vitaloni, S., Activation of the prefrontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex increases the recognition of semantic violations in action representation. «Brain Stimulation», 7(3), 435-442 [IF 4.538].
Balconi, M., Finocchiaro, R., Canavesio, Y., Reward-system effect (BAS rating), left hemispheric “unbalance” (alpha band oscillations) and decisional impairments in drug addiction. «Addictive Behaviors», 39(6), 1026-1032 [IF 2.021]
Balconi, M., Consapevolezza e senso di agentività: un'integrazione possibile? «Sistemi Intelligenti», 26(1), 79-102.
Balconi M., Lecci, G., Trapletti, , What do facial expressions of emotion express in young children? The relationship between facial display and EMG measures. «Neuropsychological Trends», 15, aprile, 7-23.
Falciati, L., Balconi, M., Cobelli, C., Maioli, C., Effects of spatial cueing on overt orienting of gaze to attentive stimuli. «Neuropsychological Trends», 15, aprile, 25-33.
Pagani, S., Balconi, M., Sozzi, M., Bianchi-Marzoli, S., Melzi, L., Corbo, M., Repetition-priming effect: a cognitive task for the definition of a clinical assessment. «Neuropsychological Trends», 15, aprile, 41-46.
Crivelli, D., Sozzi, M., Balconi, M., Virtual-grasping influences visual exploration in hemispatial neglect: a preliminary eye-tracking study. «Neuropsychological Trends», 15, aprile, 47-53.
Balconi, M., Stoppelli, R., Vanutelli, M., Autonomic responsivity and semantic associative competences in disturb of consciousness. «Neuropsychological Trends», 15, aprile, 55-65.
Balconi, M., Pagani, S., Personality correlates (BAS-BIS), self-perception of social ranking, and cortical (alpha frequency band) modulation in peer-group comparison. «Physiology & Behavior», 133, 207-215 [I.F. 3.160].
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y., The contribution of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and temporoparietal areas in processing instrumental versus functional semantic violations in action representation. «Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology», 36(7), 701-715 [I.F. 1.862].
Balconi, M., Finocchiaro, R., Canavesio, Y., Messina, R., Reward bias and lateralization in gambling behavior: behavioral activation system and alpha band analysis. «Psychiatry Research», 219(3), 570-576 [I.F. 2.768].
Balconi, M., Finocchiaro, R., Campanella, S., Reward sensitivity, decisional bias, and metacognitive deficits in cocaine drug addiction. «Journal of Addiction Medicine», 8(6), 399-406 [I.F. 1.726].
Balconi, M., Consumer neuroscience and neuromarketing: what new on marketing research? «Micro&Macro Marketing», 23(2), 229-240.
Cotelli, M., Manenti, R., Brambilla, M, Balconi, M., Limb apraxia and verb processing in Alzheimer’s disease. «Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology», 36(8), 843-853 [I.F. 1.862].
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y, Finocchiaro, R., Transcranial magnetic stimulation modulates left premotor cortex activity in facial expression recognition as a function of anxiety level. «Translational Neuroscience», 5(3), 165-172 [I.F. 0.482].
Balconi, M., Cobelli, C., Motivational mechanisms (BAS) and prefrontal cortical activation contribute to recognition memory for emotional words. rTMS effect on performance and EEG (alpha band) measures. «Brain and Language», 137, 77-85 [I.F. 3.309].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E. Finocchiaro, R., Multilevel analysis of facial expressions of emotion and script: self-report (arousal and valence) and psychophysiological correlates. «Behavioral and Brain Functions», 10, Article Number 32, 1-14 [I.F. 2.000].
Balconi, M., Stumpo, B., Leanza, F., Advertising, brand and neuromarketing or how consumer brain works. «Neuropsychological Trends», 16, novembre, 15-21.
Iannello, P., Balconi, M., Antonietti, A., Intuitive versus analytical decision making modulates trust in e-commerce «Neuropsychological Trends», 16, novembre, 31-49.
Balconi, M., Cobelli, C., rTMS on left prefrontal cortex contributes to memories for positive emotional cues: a comparison between pictures and words, «Neuroscience», 287, 93-103 [IF 3.215].
Balconi, M., Pagani, S., Social hierarchies and emotions: cortical prefrontal activity, facial feedback (EMG) and cognitive performance in a dynamic interaction, «Social Neuroscience», 10(2), 166-178. [I.F. 2.660].
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y., Feedback-related negativity (FRN) and P300 are sensitive to temporal-order violation in transitive action representation, «Journal of Psychophysiology», 29(1), 1-12 [I.F. 2.488].
Balconi, M., Grippa, E., Vanutelli, M.E., What hemodynamic (fNIRS), electrophysiological (EEG) and autonomic integrated measures can tell us about emotional processing, «Brain and Cognition», 95, 67-76 [I.F. 2.683].
Balconi, M., Finocchiaro, R., Decisional impairments in cocaine addiction, reward-bias and cortical oscillations “unbalance”, «Neuropsychiatric Disease and Treatment», 11, 777-786 [I.F. 2.154].
Vanutelli, M.E., Balconi, M., Empathy and prosocial behaviours. Insights from intra- and inter-species interactions, «Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia», 6(1), 88-109.
Balconi, M., Cotelli, M., Brambilla, M., Manenti, R., Cosseddu, M., Premi, E., Gasparotti, R., Zanetti, O., Padovani, A., Borroni, B., Understanding emotions in Frontotemporal Dementia: the explicit and implicit emotional cue mismatch, «Journal of Alzheimer's Disease», 46(1), 211-225 [I.F. 3.612].
Balconi, M., Finocchiaro, R., Canavesio, Y., Reward sensitivity (Behavioral Activation System), cognitive, and metacognitive control in gambling behavior: Evidences from behavioral, feedback-related negativity, and P300 effect, «Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences», 27(3), 219-227 [I.F. 2.817].
Balconi, M., Dall'ovvio della conoscenza comune all'ovvio delle neuroscienze. Perché le scienze biologiche hanno bisogno delle scienze sociali, «Giornale Italiano di Psicologia», 42(1-2), 71-76.
Balconi, M., Finocchiaro, R., Canavesio, Y., Left hemispheric imbalance and reward mechanisms affect gambling behavior: The contribution of the metacognition and cortical brain oscillations, «Clinical EEG and Neuroscience», 46(3), 197-207 [I.F. 2.219].
Finocchiaro, R., Balconi, M., Reward-system effect and "left hemispheric unbalance": A comparison between drug addiction and high-BAS healthy subjects on gambling behavior, «Neuropsychological Trends», 17, aprile, 37-45.
Mauri, P., Miniussi, C., Balconi, M., Brignani, D., Bursts of transcranial electrical stimulation increase arousal in a continuous performance test, «Neuropsychologia», 74, 127-136 [I.F. 3.302].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., Bartolo, A., Cortesi, L., Transitive and intransitive gesture execution and observation compared to resting state: the hemodynamic measures (fNIRS), «Cognitive Processing», 16(S1), 125-129 [I.F. 1.388].
Crivelli, D., Balconi, M., The “social” and “interpersonal” body in spatial cognition. The role of agency and interagency, «Cognitive Processing», 16(S1), 193-196 [I.F. 1.388].
Vanutelli, M.E., Balconi, M. Perceiving emotions in human-human and human-animal interactions: hemodynamic prefrontal activity (fNIRS) and empathic concern, «Neuroscience Letters», 605, 1-6 [I.F. 2.030].
Balconi, M., Arangio, R., The relationship between Coma Near Coma, Disability Ratings, and event-related potentials in patients with disorders of consciousness: a semantic association task, «Applied Psychophysiology Biofeedback», 40(4), 327-337 [I.F. 1.847].
Caravaglios, G., Castro, G., Muscoso, E.G., Balconi, M., A case of Balint syndrome: The importance of a specific neuropsychological appraisal in the clinical diagnosis of visuospatial disorders, «Neuropsychological Trends», 18, novembre, 17-30.
Balconi, M., Tirelli, S., Frezza, A., Event-related potentials (ERPs) and hemodynamic (functional near-infrared spectroscopy, fNIRS) as measures of schizophrenia deficits in emotional behaviour, «Frontiers in Psychology», 6, 1686 [I.F. 2.600].
Balconi, M., Grippa, E., Vanutelli, M.E., Resting lateralized activity predicts the cortical response and appraisal of emotions: an fNIRS study, «Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience», 10(12), 1607-1614 [I.F. 7.372].
Vanutelli, M.E., Cortesi, L., Molteni, E., Balconi, M., fNIRS measure of transitive and intransitive gesture execution, observation and imagination in ecological setting: A pilot study, «Source of the Document Proceedings of the Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society», EMBS, 7319143, pp. 3484-3487.
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y., Is empathy necessary to comprehend the emotional faces? The empathic effect on attentional mechanisms (eye-movements), cortical correlates (N200 event-related potentials) and facial behaviour (electromyography) in face processing, «Cognition and Emotion», 30(2), 210-224 [I.F. 2.201].
Balconi, M., Molteni, E., Past and future of near-infrared spectroscopy in studies of emotion and social neuroscience, «Journal of Cognitive Psychology», 28(2), 129-146 [I.F. 1.431].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., Hemodynamic (fNIRS) and EEG (N200) correlates of emotional inter-species interactions modulated by visual and auditory stimulation «Scientific Reports», 6, 23083, 1-11 [I.F. 5.578]
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., Vocal and visual stimulation, congruence and lateralization affect brain oscillations in interspecies emotional positive and negative interactions, «Social Neuroscience» 11(3), 297-310 [I.F. 2.660].
Balconi, M., Canavesio, Y., Empathy, Approach-Attitude and rTMs on left DLPFC affect emotional face recognition and facial feedback (EMG), «Journal of Psychophysiology» 30(1), 17-28 [I.F. 1.590].
Balconi, M., Finocchiaro, R., Deficit in rewarding mechanisms and prefrontal left/right cortical effect in vulnerability for internet addiction, «Acta Neuropsychiatrica», 28(5), 272-285 [I.F. 0.710].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., Emotions and BIS/BAS components affect brain activity (ERPs and fNIRS) in observing intra-species and inter-species interactions, «Brain Imaging and Behavior» 10(3), 750-760 [I.F. 4.598].
Balconi, M., Pala, F., Manenti, R., Brambilla, M., Cobelli, C., Rosini, S., Benussi, A., Padovani, A., Borroni, B., Cotelli, M. Facial feedback and autonomic responsiveness reflect impaired emotional processing in Parkinson's Disease, «Scientific Reports», 6, 31453 [I.F. 5.578].
Balconi, M., Pala, F., & Crivelli, D. Effetto della neuromodulazione corticale (tDCS) nell’healthy ageing. Correlati EEG e comportamentali [The effect of cortical neuromodulation (tDCS) in healthy ageing. EEG and behavioural correlates], «Ricerche di Psicologia», 1, 45–62.
Balconi, M., Cortesi, L., Brain activity (fNIRS) in control state differs from the execution and observation of object-related and object-unrelated actions, «Journal of Motor Behavior», 48(4), 289-296 [F. 1.418].
Balconi, M., Brain plasticity and rehabilitation by using near-infrared spectroscopy, «Neuropsychological Trends», 19(Aprile), 71-82.
Vanutelli, M.E., Nandrino, J-L., Balconi, M., The boundaries of cooperation: Sharing and coupling from ethology to neuroscience, «Neuropsychological Trends», 19(Aprile), 83-104.
Venturella, I., Balconi, M. Pain and Consciousness in Humans. Or Why Pain Subserves the Identity and Self-representation, «Rivista Internazionale di Filosofia e Psicologia», 7(2), 166-179.
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M. E. Competition in the brain. The contribution of EEG and fNIRS modulation and personality effects in social ranking, «Frontiers in Psychology», 7, 1587, [I.F. 2.463].
Balconi, M., Venturella, I., Pala, F., Salati, M.E., Ripamonti, S.C., Natili, F., Vanutelli, M.E. Cervelli in dialogo. Leadership e neuroscienze. La neurometrica applicata alla valutazione delle prestazioni. «Direzione del Personale», 179, 14–17.
Balconi, M., M.E. Vanutelli, Empathy in positive and negative interpersonal interactions. What is the relationship between central (EEG and fNIRS) and pehipheral (autonomic) neurophysiological responses?,«Advances in Cognitive Studies», 13, 105-120 [1.444].
Balconi, M. Introduzione, «Ricerche di Psicologia», 40(3), 293-294.
Balconi, M., Venturella, I. Neuromanagement e leadership, «Ricerche di Psicologia», 40(3), 337-348.
Crivelli, D., Balconi, M. Agentività e competenze sociali: Riflessioni teoriche e implicazioni per il management, «Ricerche di Psicologia», 40(3), 349-363.
Balconi, M., Fronda, G., Natale. M.R., Rimoldi, E. Perchè la leadership generativa. Il contributo delle neuroscienze, «Ricerche di Psicologia», 40(3), 365-383.
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E. Interbrains cooperation. Hyperscanning and self-perception in joint actions, «Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology», 39, 607-620 [I.F. 1.693].
Balconi, M., Natale, M. R., Benabdallah, N., & Crivelli, D. New business models: the Agents and Inter-Agents in a neuroscientific domain. «Neuropsychological Trends», 21, 53–63.
Balconi, M., Venturella,I. Neuromanagement. What about emotion and communication? «Neuropsychological Trends», 21, 9–21.
Leanza, F., Balconi, M. TV commercial and rTMS: Can brain lateralization give us information about consumer preference? «Neuropsychological Trends», 21, 65–80.
Venturella, I., Gatti, L., Vanutelli, M.E., Balconi, M. When brains dialogue by synchronized or unsynchronized languages. Hyperscanning applications to neuromanagement. «Neuropsychological Trends», 21, 35–51.
Balconi, M. Introduction to the Issue. «Neuropsychological Trends», 21, 7–8.
Balconi, M., Cortesi, L., & Crivelli, D. Motor planning and performance in transitive and intransitive gesture execution and imagination: Does EEG (RP) activity predict hemodynamic (fNIRS) response? «Neuroscience Letters», 648, 59–65 [I.F. 2.107].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., When cooperation was efficient or inefficient. Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy evidence. «Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience», 11, 26.
Balconi, M., Venturella, I., Finocchiaro, R. Evidences from rewarding system, FRN and P300 effect in internet-addiction in young people. «Brain Sciences», 7, 1-16.
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Cortesi, L. Transitive Versus Intransitive Complex Gesture Representation: A Comparison Between Execution, Observation and Imagination by fNIRS. «Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback», 42, 179-191 [I.F. 1.017].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., Grippa, A. Resting state and personality component (BIS/BAS) predict the brain activity (EEG and fNIRS measure) in response to emotional cues, «Brain and Behavior» 7, e00686 [I.F. 2.157].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., Brains in competition: Improved cognitive performance and inter-brain coupling by hyperscanning paradigm with functional near-infrared spectroscopy, «Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience», 11, 163 [F. 3.104].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., Cooperation and competition with hyperscanning methods: Review and future application to emotion domain, «Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience», 11, 86 [F. 1.821].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., Why to cooperate is better than to compete: Brain and personality components, «BioMed Central Neuroscience», 18(1), 68, [F. 2.670].
Crivelli, D., Balconi, M., Near-infrared spectroscopy applied to complex systems and human hyperscanning networking, «Applied Sciences», 7(9), 922 [F. 1.679].
Sozzi, Bianchi Marzoli S., Melzi L., Corbo M., Venturella I., Balconi M., Which differences in priming effect between neglect and hemianopia? A case description of a bilateral brain-lesioned patient. «Neuro-Ophthalmology» 41(5), 259-267
Balconi, M., Pezard, L., Nandrino, J.-L, Vanutelli, M.E., Two is better than one: The effects of strategic cooperation on intra- and inter-brain connectivity by fNIRS. «Plos One»12(11), e0187652 [F. 2.806].
Crivelli, D., Balconi, M., The agent brain: A review of non-invasive brain stimulation studies on sensing agency. «Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience», 11, 229 [F. 3.104].
Balconi, M., Fronda, G., Venturella, I., & Crivelli, D. Conscious, pre-conscious and unconscious mechanisms in emotional behaviour. Some applications to the mindfulness approach with wearable devices, «Applied Sciences», 7, 1280 [1.573]
Balconi, M. Esercitare liberamente il proprio ingegno, ecco la vera felicità, «Giornale Italiano di Psicologia», 44(3), 531-536.
Vanutelli, M.E, Gatti, L., Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. Affective synchrony and autonomic coupling during cooperation: An hyperscanning study, «BioMed Research International», 2017, 3104564 [2.476]
Vanutelli, M.E, Venturella, I., Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. Mirroring the emotions of others by autonomic system: Intra-species effect in children, «Neuropsychological Trends», 22, 109-119.
Balconi, M., Campanella, S., Finocchiaro, R. Web addiction in the brain: Cortical oscillations, autonomic activity, and behavioral measures, «Journal of Behavioral Addictions», 6, 334-344 [4.134]
Balconi, M., Salati, M.E., Cervelli e corpi in hyperscanning. Le strategie di sintonizzazione nei processi di valutazione, «Harvard Business Review Italia», Dicembre, 94
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Bove, M. ‘Eppur si move’: the association between electrophysiological and psychophysical signatures of perceived movement illusions, «Journal of Motor Behavior», 50(1), 37-50 [1.573]
Balconi, M., Gatti, L., Vanutelli, M.E., When cooperation goes wrong: brain and behavioural correlates of ineffective joint strategies in dyads, «International Journal of Neuroscience», 128(2), 155-166 [F. 1.750].
Balconi, M., Gatti, L., Vanutelli, M.E., Cooperate or not cooperate EEG, autonomic and behavioral correlates of ineffective joint strategies, «Brain and Behavior», 8, e00902, [2.157].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E., Gatti, L., Functional brain connectivity when cooperation fails. «Brain and Cognition», 123, 65-73 [F. 2.432].
Balconi, M., Gatti, L., Vanutelli, M.E., EEG functional connectivity and brain-to-brain coupling in failing cognitive strategies, «Consciousness and Cognition», 60, 86-97 [2.144].
Balconi, M., Cotelli, M., Rossi, R., Rillosi, L., Beneduce, R., Tura, G.B., Brambilla, M., Venturella, I., Vanutelli, M.E, Emotion regulation in schizophrenia: A comparison between implicit (EEG and fNIRS) and explicit (valence) measures: Preliminary observations, «Asian Journal of Psychiatry», 34, 12-13 [2.144].
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E, Alpha brain oscillations, approach attitude, and locus of control affect self-perception of social efficacy in cooperative joint-action, «Frontiers in Life Science», 11(1), 11-25 [0.933].
Balconi, M., Venturella, I., Fronda, G., Salati, M.E., Vanutelli, M.E, Cervelli in hyperscanning: quando la valutazione può farli risuonare all’unisono, «Direzione del Personale», 184, 36-38.
Balconi, M., Venturella, I., Finocchiaro, R. Brain oscillations, inhibitory control mechanisms and rewarding bias in web addiction. Two opposite young subjects' clusters?, «Neuropsychological Trends», 23, 35-66.
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Vanutelli, M.E. Neurophysiology of intra- and inter-species emotional interactions. Personality trait effect, P300 and N300 ERPs measures, «Neuropsychological Trends», 23, 97-114.
Caravaglios, G., Castro, G., Muscoso, E.G., Crivelli, D., Balconi, M. Beta responses in healthy elderly and in patients with amnesic Mild Cognitive Impairment during a task of temporal orientation of attention, «Clinical EEG and Neuroscience», 49(4), 258-271. [I.F. 1.862]
Crivelli, D., Angelillo, M.T., Grippa, , Colucci, A., Nardulli, R., Balconi, M. When is a novel psychometric measure needed? A preliminary analysis about the Cognitive Assessment for Stroke Patients (CASP) battery compared with MMSE and MoCA, «Applied Neuropsychology: Adult», 25(5), 410-416. [.694]
Crivelli, D., Sabogal Ruenda, M.D., Balconi, M., Linguistic and motor representations of everyday complex actions: an fNIRS investigation, «Brain Structure and Function», 223(6), 2989-2997. [4.698]
Balconi, M., Siri, C., Meucci, N., Pezzoli, G., Angioletti, L., Personality traits and cortical activity affect gambling behavior in Parkinson's Disease, «Journal of Parkinson's Disease», 8(2), 341-352. [2.538]
Crivelli, D., Pedullà, L., Bisio, A., Sabogal Rueda, M. D., Brichetto, G., Bove, M., & Balconi, M. When “extraneous” becomes “mine”. Neurophysiological evidence of sensorimotor integration during observation of suboptimal movement patterns performed by people with Multiple Sclerosis. «Neuroscience», 386, 326-338 [3.382]
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E. Functional EEG connectivity during competition. «BMC Neuroscience», 19, 63 [F. 2.173]
Balconi, M., Frezza, A., Vanutelli, M.E. Emotion regulation in schizophrenia: a pilot clinical intervention as assessed by EEG and Optical Imaging (functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy), «Frontiers in Human Neuroscience», 12, 395. [2.871]
Invitto, S., Piraino, G., Ciccarese, V., Carmillo, L., Caggiula, M., Trianni, G., Nicolardi, G., Di Nuovo, S., Balconi, M. Potential role of OERP as early marker of Mild Cognitive Impairment, «Frontiers in Aging Neuroscience», 10, 272. [3.582]
Vanutelli, M.E., Gatti, L., Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. May the best joint-actions win. Physiological linkage during competition, «Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback», 43(3), 227-237. [1.347].
Angioletti, L., Bossola, M., De Filippis, D., Balconi, M. Lived experiences of patients on hemodialytic treatment: a discursive perspective on fatigue and motivational issues, «Health Psychology Open», 5(2),
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L., Siri, C., Meucci, N., Pezzoli, G., Gambling behavior in Parkinson’s disease. Impulsivity, reward mechanism and cortical brain oscillations, «Psychiatry Research», 270, 974-980 [2.528].
Fronda, G., Balconi, M., Crivelli, D. Neuroethical implications of neurocognitive enhancement in managerial professional contexts, «Journal of Cognitive Enhancement», 2(4), 356–363.
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E. EEG hyperscanning and behavioral synchronization during a joint action, «Neuropsychological Trends», 24, 23-47.
Balconi M., Venturella, I, Fronda, G. , Vanutelli, M.E. Who’s boss? Physiological measures during performance assessment, «Managerial and Decision Economics», 40(2), 213-219. [2.528]
Invitto, S., Calcagnì, A., Piraino, G., Ciccarese, V., Balconi, M., De Tommaso, M., Toraldo, D.M. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and olfactory perception: an OERP study, «Respiratory Physiology & Neurobiology», 259, 37-44. [1.792]
Balconi, M., Vanutelli, M.E. Neurofeedback intervention for emotional behavior regulation in schizophrenia: new experimental evidences from optical imaging, «Neuroregulation», 6(2), 71-80.
Crivelli, D., Fronda, G., Venturella, I., Balconi, M., Supporting mindfulness practices with brain-sensing devices. Cognitive and electrophysiological evidences, «Mindfulness», 10(2), 301-311. [3.015]
Venturella, I., Crivelli, D., Fossati, M., Fiorillo, F., Balconi, M. EEG and autonomic responses to nociceptive stimulation in disorders of consciousness, «Journal of Clinical Neuroscience», 60, 101-106. [1.640]
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Castiglioni, C., Lozza, E. Social frame and tax compliance modulate electrophysiological and autonomic responses following tax-related decisions. «Scientific Reports», 9, 4713. [4.122]
Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. What is the role of metacognition in Parkinson’s Disease patients with Pathological Gambling?, «Neuropsychological Trends», 25, 61-71.
Venturella, I., Crivelli, D., Fossati, M., Fiorillo, F., Balconi, M. Fronto-parietal network in response to pleasant and unpleasant somatic stimuli in DoC patients: a pilot study, «Neuropsychological Trends», 25, 95-109.
Balconi, M., Fronda, G., & Crivelli, D. Effects of technology-mediated mindfulness practice on stress: psychophysiological and self-report measures, «Stress», 22(2), 200–209. [3.047]
Crivelli, D., Fronda, G., Venturella, I., Balconi, M. Stress and neurocognitive efficiency in managerial contexts: a study on technology-mediated mindfulness practice, «International Journal of Workplace Health Management», 12(2), 42–56.
Crivelli, D., Fronda, G., Balconi, M. Neurocognitive enhancement effects of combined mindfulness-neurofeedback training in sport, «Neuroscience», 412, 83–93. [3.244]
Balconi, M., Venturella, I., Fronda, G., De Filippis, D., Salati, E., & Vanutelli, M.E. To rate or not to rate? Autonomic response and psychological well-being of employees during performance review, «Health Care Manager», 38(2):179–186.
Balconi, M., Fronda, G., Vanutelli, M.E. Donate or receive? Social hyperscanning application with fNIRS, «Current Psychology», 38(4), 991-1002. [1.468]
Pace-Schott, E.F., Amole, M.C., Aue, T., Balconi, M., Bylsma, L.M., Critchley, H., Demaree, H.A., Friedman, B.H., Gooding, A.E.K., Gosseries, O., Jovanovic, T., Kirby, L.A.J., Kozlowska, K., Laureys, S., Lowe, L., Magee, K., Marin, M.-F., Merner, A.R., Robinson, J.L., Smith, R.C., Spangler, D.P., Van Overveld, M., VanElzakker, M.B. Physiological feelings, «Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews», 103, 267-304. [8.002]
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L. De Filippis, D., Bossola, M. Association between fatigue, motivational measures (BIS/BAS) and semi-structured psychosocial interview in hemodialytic treatment. «BMC Psychology», 7, 49.
Balconi, M., Sebastiani, R., Galeone, A.B., Angioletti, L. Sustainability in the fashion industry. Using EEG to understand consumers’ intentions towards sustainable eco-luxury items. «Global Fashion Management Conference Proceedings», 2019, 220-227.
Angioletti, L., Siri, C., Meucci, N., Pezzoli, G., Balconi, M. Pathological Gambling in Parkinson's disease: autonomic measures supporting impaired decision‐making, «European Journal of Neuroscience», 50(3), 2392-2400. [2.832].
Balconi, M., Fronda, G., De FIlippis, D., Polsinelli, M., Placidi, G. A preliminary structured database for Multimodal Measurements and Elicitations of EMOtions: M2E2MO, «Neuropsychological Trends», 26, 7-22.
Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. Neuroscience for smart domotic environments and intelligent spaces, «Neuropsychological Trends», 26, 93-101.
Balconi, M., Cassioli, F., Fronda, G., Vanutelli, M.E. Cooperative leadership in hyperscanning. Brain and body synchrony during manager-employee interactions, «Neuropsychological Trends», 26, 23-44.
Fronda, G, Crivelli, D., Balconi, M. Neurocognitive enhancement: applications and ethical issues, «Neuroregulation», 6(3), 161-168.
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Angioletti, L. Efficacy of a neurofeedback training on attention and driving performance: physiological and behavioral measures, «Frontiers in Neuroscience», 13, 996. [3.648]
Vanutelli, M.E., Balconi, M. Pain and emotions in non-human animals: debates and insights from philosophy, ethology, and neuroscience, «Ricerche di Psicologia», 42(2), 385-416.
Balconi, M., Sebastiani, R., Angioletti, L. A neuroscientific approach to explore consumers’ intentions towards sustainability within the luxury fashion industry, «Sustainability», 11, 5105 [2.592]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. Physiological correlates of moral decision-making in the professional domain. «Brain Sciences», 9, 229. [2.786]
Invitto, S., Montinaro, R., Ciccarese, V., Venturella, I., Fronda, G., Balconi, M. Smell and 3D haptic representation: a common pathway to understand brain dynamics in a cross-modal task. A pilot OERP and fNIRS study. «Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience», 13, 226.
Maioli, C., Falciati, L., Galli, J., Micheletti, S., Turetti, L., Balconi, M., Fazzi, E.M. Visuospatial attention and saccadic inhibitory control in children with cerebral palsy. «Frontiers in Human Neuroscience», 13, 392. [2.870]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G., Vanutelli, M. E. A gift for gratitude and cooperative behavior. Brain and cognitive effects. «Social cognitive and affective neuroscience», 14(12), 1317–1327. [3.662]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. The use of hyperscanning to investigate the role of social, affective, and informative gestures in non-verbal communication. electrophysiological (EEG) and inter-brain connectivity evidence, «Brain Sciences», 10, 29. [2.786]
Balconi, M., Venturella, I., Fronda, G., Vanutelli, M.E. Leader-employee emotional “interpersonal tuning”. An EEG coherence study, «Social Neuroscience», 15(2), 234-243. [2.154]
Angioletti, L., Cassioli, F., Balconi, M. Neurophysiological correlates of user experience in Smart Home Systems (SHSs): first evidence from electroencephalography and autonomic measures, «Frontiers in Psychology», 11, 411. [2.129]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. & Vanutelli, M.E. When gratitude and cooperation between friends affect inter-brain connectivity for EEG, «BMC Neuroscience», 21, [2.620]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. The “gift effect” on functional brain connectivity. Inter-brain synchronization when prosocial behavior is in action, «Scientific Reports», 10, [4.011]
Angioletti, L., Spinosa, C., Bossola, M., Fadelli, S., Villa, A.M., Sabbatini, F., Balconi, M. Italians and immigrants’ chronic patients’ representation of health and medical care: a semantic and discourse analysis approach, «Neuropsychological Trends», 27, 23-46.
Balconi, M., Sebastiani, R., Galeone, A.B., Angioletti, L. Sustainability in the fashion luxury branding. Using neuroscience to understand consumers’ intentions towards sustainable eco-luxury items, «Neuropsychological Trends», 27, 65-74.
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Cassioli, F., Sabogal Rueda, M.D., Grassi, M. The effect of centesimal prismatic lenses on attention orienting processes: neuroscientific evidence, «Neuropsychological Trends», 27, 75-84.
Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. Interoceptive empathy and emotion regulation: the contribution of neuroscience, «Neuropsychological Trends», 27, 85-100.
Angioletti, L., Campanella, S., Balconi, M. Metacognition deficits and impulsivity in Parkinson’s Disease patients with and without gambling behavior: a pilot study, «Neurology, Psychiatry and Brain Research», 36, 88-95 [4.011]
Crivelli, D., Venturella, I., Fossati, M., Fiorillo, F., Balconi, M., EEG and ANS markers of attention response in Vegetative State: different responses to own vs. other names, «Neuropsychological Rehabilitation», 30(9), 1629-1647. [2.842]
Monti, C., Sozzi, M., Corbo, M., Fronda, G., & Balconi, M. Prospective memories and working memory: shared resources or distinct mechanisms? «Applied Neuropsychology: Adult», 27(4):311-325. [1.558]
Bossola, M., Angioletti, L., Di Stasio, E., Vulpio, C., De Filippis, D., Balconi, M. Reward (BIS/BAS) mechanisms and fatigue in patients on chronic hemodialysis, «Psychology, Health and Medicine», 25(6):710-718. [1.603]
Fronda, G., Monti, C., Sozzi, M., Corbo, M., Balconi, M. Prospective memory and working memory in comparison. New experimental paradigms, «International Journal of Neuroscience», 130(8):834-840. [1.852]
Spinosa, C., Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. Evidenze cliniche, psicosociali e neuropsicologiche su un campione di pazienti cronici immigrati in Italia, «Ricerche di Psicologia», 1, 221-242.
Fronda, G., Balconi, M. The effect of inter-brain synchronization in gesture observation. A fNIRS study, «Brain and Behavior», 10, [2.072]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. The dialogue between two or more brains: the “hyperscanning” for organization, «Frontiers in Psychology», 1, 598332. [2.129]
Sozzi, M., Algeri, L., Corsano, M., Crivelli, D., Daga, M., Fumagalli, F., Gemignani, P., Granieri, M.C., Inzaghi, M.G., Pala, F., Turati, S., Balconi, M. Neuropsychology in the times of COVID-19. The role of the psychologist in taking charge of patients with alterations of cognitive functions, «Frontiers in Neurology», 1, 573207. [2.889]
Balconi, M., Kopis, N., Angioletti, L. Does aesthetic judgment on face attractiveness affect neural correlates of empathy for pain? A fNIRS study, «Experimental Brain Research», 238(9), 2067-2076. [1.591]
Vanutelli, M.E., Meroni. F., Fronda, G., Balconi, M., Lucchiari, C. Gender differences and unfairness processing during economic and moral decision-making: A FNIRS study, «Brain Sciences», 10(9), 647. [3.332]
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L., Crivelli, D. Neuro-empowerment of executive functions in the workplace: the reason why, «Frontiers in Psychology», 11, 1519. [2.129]
Pagnini, F., Bonanomi, A., Tagliabue, S., Balconi, M., Bertolotti, M., Confalonieri, E., Di Dio, C., Gilli, G., Graffigna, G., Regalia, C., Saita, E., Villani, D. Knowledge, concerns, and behaviors of individuals during the first week of the Coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic in Italy, «JAMA network open», 3(7), e2015821
Balconi, M. Brain-body interaction in explaining emotional behavior: Some highlights in interoception and syncopal phenomena, «Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia», 22(1), 7-8.
Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. Abuse, emotion regulation, and interoception: What can studies on the brain-body interaction tell us?, «Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia», 22(1), 9-23.
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L. Fybromialgia, interoception and risk factor for emotional dysregulation: A single case pilot study, «Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia», 22(1), 25-33.
Crivelli, D., Balconi, M. Trauma and syncope: Which relationship do they share?, «Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia», 22(1), 35-54.
Crivelli, D., Balconi, M. Assessing physiological autonomic reactivity and appraisal in psychogenic pseudosyncope: Preliminary evidence from a pilot study with two single-cases, «Maltrattamento e Abuso all'Infanzia», 22(1), 55-65.
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. Morality and management: an oxymoron? fNIRS and neuromanagement perspective explain us why things are not like this, «Cognitive, Affective and Behavioral Neuroscience», 20(6), 1336–1348. [2.206]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. Gesture in hyperscanning during observation. Inter-brain connectivity, «Neuropsychogical Trends», 28, 59-81.
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L. Gambling behavior versus moral behavior: methodological perspectives in neuroeconomic decision-making, «Neuropsychogical Trends», 28, 7-20.
Yannuzzi, T.J., Smith, D.N., Balconi, M., Davis, K.R., Fronda, G., Angioletti, L. Emergent methodologies: new approaches for integrating theory and practice: priority 9 of the National Leadership Education Research Agenda 2020–2025, «Journal of Leadership Studies», 14(3), 90-96.
F., Fronda, G., Balconi, M. App advertising: un approccio neuroscientifico, «Sistemi intelligenti», 32(3), 649-667.
Balconi, M., Bartolo, A., Fronda, G. Social hyperscanning with fNIRS: intra-brain and inter-brain connectivity for social, affective and informative gestures reproduction, «Gesture», 19(2-3), 196-222.
Campanella, S., Arikan, K., Babiloni, C., Balconi, M., Bertollo, M., Betti, V., Bianchi, L., Brunovsky, M., Buttinelli, C., Comani, S., Di Lorenzo, G., Dumalin, D., Escera, C., Fallgatter, A., Fisher, D., Giordano, G.M., Guntekin, B., Imperatori, C., Ishii, R., Kajosch, H., Kiang, M., López-Caneda, E., Missonnier, P., Mucci, A., Olbrich, S., Otte, G., Perrottelli, A., Pizzuti, A., Pinal, D., Salisbury, D., Tang, Y., Tisei, P., Wang, J., Winkler, I., Yuan, J., Pogarell, O. Special report on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on clinical EEG and research and Consensus Recommendations for the safe use of EEG, «Clinical EEG and Neuroscience», 52(1), 3-28. [1.765]
Caravaglios, G., Castro, G., Crivelli, D., De Filippis, D., Muscoso, E.G., Di Maria, G., Di Pietro, C., Coco, M., Perciavalle, V., Balconi, M. Musical expertise: evidence from a pilot study on reaction times and time/frequency oscillatory responses, «Psychology of Music», 49(1), 84-107. [1.381]
Dousset, C., Ingels, A., Schröder, E., Angioletti, L., Balconi, M., Kornreich, C., Campanella, S. Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation combined with cognitive training induces response inhibition facilitation through distinct neural responses according to the stimulation site: a follow-up event-related potentials study, «Clinical EEG and Neuroscience», 52(3), 181-192. [1.765]
Crivelli, D., Balconi, M. Extending the body ownership to affective experience of an embodied artificial hand: a power spectra investigation, «Multisensory Research», 34(4), 441-453. [1.829]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G., Bartolo, A. Affective, social, and informative gestures reproduction in human interaction: hyperscanning and brain connectivity, «Journal of Motor Behavior», 53(3), 296-315. [1.279]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. Gratitude affects inter-subjective synchronicity for cognitive performance and autonomic responsiveness, «Frontiers in Psychology», 12, 574983. [2.067]
Balconi, M., Venturella, I., Sebastiani, R., Angioletti, L. Touching to feel: brain activity during in-store consumer experience, «Frontiers in Psychology», 12, 653011. [2.067]
Balconi M., Angioletti, L. Interoception as a social alarm amplification system. What multimethod (EEG-fNIRS) integrated measures can tell us about interoception and empathy for pain?, «Neuropsychological Trends», 29, 39-64.
Balconi M., Angioletti, L. Unravelling competitors’ brain-and-body correlates. The two-persons social neuroscience approach to study competition, «Neuropsychological Trends», 29, 83-104.
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L. One’s interoception affects the representation of seeing others’ pain: a randomized controlled qEEG study, «Pain Research and Management», 2021, 5585060.
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L., Crivelli, D. Neurocognitive empowerment in healthy ageing: a pilot study on the effect of non-invasive brain stimulation on executive functions, «Journal of Cognitive Enhancement», 5, 343-350.
Fronda, G., Cassioli, F., Sebastiani, R., Galeone, A.B., Balconi, M. Paint it green: a neuroscientific approach to hotel sustainability and ecological tourism, «Environment, Development and Sustainability», 23, pages 15513–15528. [3.219]
Cassioli, F., Fronda, G., Balconi, M. Human-co-bot interaction and neuroergonomics: co-botic vs robotic systems, «Frontiers in Robotics and AI», 8, 659319
Balconi M., Fronda, G. Intra-brain connectivity vs. inter-brain connectivity in gestures reproduction: what relationship?, «Brain Sciences», 11(5), 577. [3.394]
Balconi, M. Old e New addiction. Dalla prospettiva neuroscientifica alle applicazioni di ricerca, «Diritto Penale e Uomo», 2021(5), 1-4.
Balconi, M., Sansone, M. Neuroscience and consumer behavior: Where to now?, «Frontiers in Psychology», 12, 705850. [2.990]
C., Angioletti, L., Balconi. M. Health care of immigrant patients in Italy: the perspective of health professionals, «Medicina e Morale», 2021(2), 183-194.
Barresi, G., Marinelli, A., Caserta, G., de Zambotti, M., Tessadori, J., Angioletti, L., Boccardo, N., Freddolini, M., Mazzanti, D., Deshpande, N., Frigo, C.A., Balconi, M., Gruppioni, E., Laffranchi, M., De Michieli, L. Exploring the embodiment of a virtual hand in a spatially augmented respiratory biofeedback setting, «Frontiers in Neurorobotics», 15, 683653. [2.650]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. How to induce and recognize facial expression of emotions by using past emotional memories: a multimodal neuroscientific algorithm, «Frontiers in Psychology», 12, 619590. [2.990]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. How to induce and recognize facial expression of emotions by using past emotional memories: a multimodal neuroscientific algorithm, «Frontiers in Psychology», 12, 619590. [2.990]
Sozzi, M., Algeri, L., Corsano, M., Crivelli, D., Daga, M., Fumagalli, F., Gemignani, P., Granieri, M.C., Inzaghi, M.G., Pala, F., Turati, S., Balconi, M. Neuropsychology and Covid-19. The role of the psychologist in care and assistance to patients with cognitive functions impairment [Il ruolo dello psicologo nella presa in carico di pazienti con alterazioni delle funzioni cognitive], «Ricerche di Psicologia», 44(3), 1-10. [2.889]
Crivelli, D., Di Ruocco, M., Balena, A., Balconi, M. The empowering effect of embodied awareness practice on body structural map and sensorimotor activity: The case of feldenkrais method, «Brain Sciences», 11(12), 1599. [3.394]
Balconi, M., Bove, M., Bossola, M., Angioletti, L., Fronda, G., Crivelli, D. Monitoring Strategies and Intervention Policies for the Enhancement and Protection of Advanced Neuroscientific Research Post COVID-19 in Italy: Preliminary Evidence, «Frontiers in Public Health», 9, 748223. [3.709]
Angioletti, L., Spinosa, C., Balconi, M. What about health representation in healthcare professionals toward immigrant chronic patients: a new tool for discourse analysis, «Journal of Public Health», 1-8
Crivelli, D., Spinosa, C., Angelillo, M.T., Balconi, M. The influence of language comprehension proficiency on assessment of global cognitive impairment following Acquired Brain Injury: a comparison between MMSE, MoCA and CASP batteries, «Applied Neuropsychology: Adult»,1-6. [2.248]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G., Cassioli, F., Crivelli, D. Face-to-face vs. remote digital settings in job assessment interviews: A multilevel hyperscanning protocol for the investigation of interpersonal attunement, «PLoS ONE», 17, e0263668. [3.240]
Balconi, M., Fronda, G. Autonomic system tuning during gesture observation and reproduction, «Acta Psychologica», 222, 103477. [1.734]
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L. Aching face and hand: The interoceptive attentiveness and social context in relation to empathy for pain, «Journal of Integrative Neuroscience», 21(1), 034. [2.117]
Crivelli, D., Balconi, M. Neuroassessment in sports: an integrative approach for performance and potential evaluation in athletes, «Frontiers in Psychology», 13, 747852. [2.990]
Cassioli, F., Balconi, M. Advertising in app: a neuroscientific approach, «Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising», 16(3), 257-270.
Cassioli, F., Angioletti, L., Balconi M. Tracking eye-gaze in smart home systems (SHS): first insights from eye-tracking and self-report measures, «Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing», 13, 2753–2762. [7.104]
Angioletti. L. Balconi, M. Interoceptive attentiveness and autonomic reactivity in pain observation, «Somatosensory & Motor Research», 39(1), 81-89. [IF 1.111]
Balconi, M., Sansone, M., Angioletti, L. Consumers in the face of COVID-19-related advertising: threat or boost effect?, «Frontiers in Psychology», 13, 747852. [2.990]
Gola, G., Angioletti, L., Cassioli, F., Balconi, M. The Teaching Brain: beyond the science of teaching and educational neuroscience, «Frontiers in Psychology», 13, 823832. [2.990]
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L. Interoceptive Attentiveness induces significantly more PFC activation during a synchronized linguistic compared to motor task as revealed by functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS), «Brain Sciences», 12(3), 301. [3.394]
Angioletti, L., Tormen, F., Balconi, M. Judgment and embodied cognition of lawyers. Moral decision-making and interoceptive physiology in the legal field, «Frontiers in Psychology», 13, 853342. [4.232]
Cassioli, F., Balconi, M. The complexity of remote learning: a neuroergonomical discussion, «Frontiers in Neurorobotics», 16, 842151. [2.650]
Cassioli, F., Balconi, M. An electrophysiological study applied to remote learning: preliminary results from an hyperscanning paradigm, «Neuropsychological Trends», 31, 55-72.
Bossola, M., Di Stasio, E., Monteburini, T., Santarelli, S., Cenerelli, S., Manes, M., Parodi, E.L., Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. Fatigue and apathy in patients on chronic hemodialysis, «Therapeutic Apheresis and Dialysis», 25(6), 932-940. [1.762]
Fronda, G., Balconi, M. What Hyperscanning and Brain Connectivity for Hemodynamic (fNIRS), Electrophysiological (EEG) and Behavioral Measures Can Tell Us About Prosocial Behavior, «Psychology and Neuroscience», 15(2), 147–162.
Balconi, M., Angioletti, L. Two sides of the same medal? Reward
mechanisms between motivational drives and psychopathology, «Mediterranean Journal of Clinical Psychology», 10(1), 1-10.
Balconi, M., Cassioli, F. “We will be in touch”. A neuroscientific assessment of remote vs. face-to-face job interviews via EEG hyperscanning, «Social Neuroscience», 17(3), 209-224. [2.083]
Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. The Increasing Effect of Interoception on Brain Frontal Responsiveness During a Socially Framed Motor Synchronization Task, «Frontiers in Human Neuroscience», 16, 834619. [3.473]
Sansone, M., Balconi, M. ADV at the Time of COVID-19 Brain Effect between Emotional Engagement and Purchase Intention. «Brain Sciences», 12(5), 593. [3.394]
Balconi, M., Crivelli, D., Cassioli, F. “We Will Let You Know”: An Assessment of Digital vs. Face-to-Face Job Interviews via EEG Connectivity Analysis. «Information», 13(7), 312.
Pagnoni, I., Gobbi, E., Alaimo, C., Campana, E., Rossi, R., Manenti, R., Balconi, M., Cotelli, M. The relationship between theory of mind and executive functions in major depressive disorders: A review. «Frontiers in Psychiatry», 13, 980392 [5.435]
Barresi, G., Nam, C.S., Esfahani, E.T. Balconi, M. Editorial: Neuroergonomics in Human-Robot Interaction. «Frontiers in Neurorobotics», 16, 1006103 [3.493]
Balconi, M., Angioletti,L. Neurophysiology of Gambling Behavior and Internet Use Vulnerability: A Comparison Between Behavioral and EEG Measures, «Clinical EEG and Neuroscience», 53(4), 268–277. [2.046]
Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. Binge Drinking and Problem Gambling Association in Adolescents and Young Adults, «Frontiers in Human Neuroscience», 16, 845505. [3.473]
Angioletti, L., Balconi, M. EEG brain oscillations are modulated by interoception in response to a synchronized motor vs cognitive task, «Frontiers in Neuroanatomy» [3.543]
Balconi, M., Losasso, D., Balena, A., Crivelli, D. Neurocognitive impairment in addiction: a digital tool for Executive Function assessment, «Frontiers in Psychiatry»,13. [5.435]
Balconi M., Kopiś-Posiej N., Venturella I., Zabielska-Mendyk E., Augustynowicz P., Angioletti L., The Effect of Cognitive Strategies and Facial Attractiveness on Empathic Neural Responses, «International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health», 19(21), 14617. [4.614]
Balconi M., Acconito C., Angioletti L., Emotional Effects in Object Recognition by the Visually Impaired People in Grocery Shopping, «Sensors», 22(21), 8442. [3.847]
Cassioli F., Crivelli D., Balconi M., Machine vs. human agents in moral dilemmas: Evidence from EEG and behavioral data, «In 2022 International Conference on Electrical, Computer, Communications and Mechatronics Engineering (ICECCME)» (pp. 1-6). IEEE.
Cassioli F., Angioletti L., Balconi M., Automation is not a moral deus ex machina: electrophysiology of moral reasoning toward machine and human agents, «Medicina e Morale», 71(4), 391-411.
Balconi M., Angioletti L., Criticalities of Executive Functions (EFs) research in Gambling Disorder: between the behavioural and neurophysiological markers, «Neuropsychological Trends», 2022, (32), pp. 55–66
Crivelli D., Balena A., Losasso D., Balconi M., Screening Executive Functions in Substance-Use Disorder: First Evidence from Testing of the Battery for Executive Functions in Addiction (BFE-A), «International Journal of Mental Health and Addiction», 1-18. [11.555]
Acconito C., Angioletti L., Balconi M., Visually impaired people and grocery shopping in store: First evidence from brain oscillations electroencephalogram, «Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries», 1-13. [1.699]
Bossola, M., Angioletti, L., Di Stasio, E., Monteburini, T., Santarelli, S., Parodi, E. L., Balconi, M., Interdialytic weight gain is not associated with symptoms of depression or apathy in patients on chronic hemodialysis, «International Urology and Nephrology», 1-7. [2.266]
Cassioli, F., Balconi, M., Degree of enhancement: A theoretical and formal definition. «Frontiers in Psychology», 13, 1072423. [4.232]
In press
Cassioli, F., Balconi, M. Advertising in app: a neuroscientific approach, «Journal of Internet Marketing and Advertising», Advance Online Publication.