Sara Nordio

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Sara works as a Speech and Language Pathologist from 2010 at the IRCCS San Camillo, a neurorehabilitation hospital, and coordinate the team of speech pathologists from 2021. She received her Degree from Università degli studi di Padova; in 2013 she also took a Master Degree in Rehabilitation Sciences at the same University and then in 2016 a Master in Management of Health Professions from Università la Sapienza.

She is currently PhD student in “Scienze della persona e della formazione” at the Catholic University of the Sacred Heart (UCSC).

Regarding her research activity at IRCCS San Camillo, she pertains to the Neurophysiology Lab.

She gained well-established expertise in: Language and swallowing assessment and rehabilitation; biosignal recording, integration, and processing (EEG,biofeedback); non-invasive brain stimulation (TMS, tdcs); project design and methodology for basic and applied research; and quantitative-qualitative analysis and systematic reviews.

She is member of national and international scientific societies and has been in the board of SIRN (Società Italiana Riabilitazione Neurologica) from 2017 to 2021.

She is university tutor and regularly part of organizing committees for conferences, speacker at international congresses and teacher in advanced training courses about assessment and rehabilitation of neurological patients.

She is also the author of scientific publications with main interest in dysarthria, dysphagia and aphasia.